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News and Blogs

  1. Upgrade your fans to fan pois!

    Upgrade your fans to fan pois!

    You can upgrade your fan veil to a poi!

    We have developed a way to use fan veils as poi. This new product is called "Fan Poi". A fan poi has a lighter, unobtrusive rope that is easily removable. With its bamboo frame, the fan poi spreads out completely and cuts through the air easily. You can

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  2. Even stronger finger ropes 3.0 for silk veil pois and falg pois

    Even stronger finger ropes 3.0 for silk veil pois and falg pois

    We are happy to introduce the even better finger ropes for silk veil pois and flag

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  3. Improved rods for flag pois

    Improved rods for flag pois

    Most flag pois are oversized with their long rods inside. Their shipping packages are too long and don't fit common shipping methods

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  4. Improved rods for flex flags and wings

    Improved rods for flex flags and wings

    Most flex flags and wings are oversized with their long rods inside. Their packages are too long and not compatible with the fast and stable mainstream shipping methods. Therefore, customers may have to wait a very long time to receive them.
    To improve this situation, we have redesigned the rods of

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  5. How do USPS and Amazon work together to make disgruntled customers?

    How do USPS and Amazon work together to make disgruntled customers?

    Legend has it that USPS could drop the package on the roof of your house. Many customers have complained that they never received the package that USPS said was "delivered." And Amazon always hates it when buyers and sellers communicate with each other. USPS and Amazon work together to annoy the customers.

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